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Letter to Daniel Clement from John Clement, Feb 20 1839

A letter from John Clements (1782-1867) to Daniel Clement (1796-1872) regarding of the death of their mother Rachel Perham (1763-1838).

Townsend, February 20th 1839

Dear Brother
After remembering my respects to your self and wife I would inform you that we are all as well as usual. And hope these lines may find you and yours enjoying the same blessing. You have doubtless heard of the death of our Beloved Mother, yes that mother who gave birth to our existence as gone. Those eyes which once watched our Childhood and youth, and those [missing] kindly ministered to our support, are closed and polseyed [?] in Death. We are now not only Fatherless but Motherless Children. Let us therefore prepare to follow in our turn by living in a constant preparation for our own dissolution. Mrs. Clement Desired me to remember her respects to your self and Wife. We should be very glad to see you both here and hope the time is not distant when we shall. I have letely been to Dracut and Boston, have had an [missing] all my Brothers but you. They are well at Brother Coburns. I have concluded to send you a little money by Mr. unreadable. This money was left by your Father to be divided equally among his sons together with the son of Brother Charles, Deceased.

Yours with respect John Clement

